United 100+ game screens through a sophisticated yet easy-to-navigate visual system
The gamer, positioned as the coach, manages many players and makes even more choices. They level up, boost, recruit one player and bench another, leave some on the courts to stay and compete on the leaderboards, and travel through countless arenas. With the detailed skill parameters and seemingly endless decisions, the UI had to remain simple and sleek to let gamers easily navigate complex game mechanics.
We combined black and dark grey with vibrant yellow to form the primary colors of this palette, creating a striking contrast and alluding to the feeling of nighttime. The other colors in the palette are also bold and eye-catching, contributing to the spirited energy of the game. We also introduced team color combinations into the player selection and management screens for a more customized feel.
Our typography choices created clarity and harmony across communications— and emphasized the sporty boldness of NBA All-World
We chose Rajdhani as our primary font and Roboto as our secondary. They are both condensed and Google Fonts, which gave us more room when designing information-rich UI and long texts and the best compatibility for different languages.
Designed over 700 custom icons
We created a universal language of icons to be utilized in any outside needs, such as an external product like Campfire, or for later-introduced features like Quests. The icons easily mix and match, convert to 3D and merge to create infinite assets for infinite uses.
We explored distinct POI silhouettes and characteristics over a simple map to make real POIs the focal points, emphasizing the connection between the game and the IRL world. The POIs further pop thanks to a visual cue of holographic dots indicating POIs in the user's interactivity range.
The POI categories are — Arena, Court, Player Point, and Drop Zone
Arena locations that are tied to the real locations of NBA arenas. Players will compete against each other on 1⁄2 court 1 on 1 style play. Invite-only tournaments will be held here for maxed-out players that will allow a player to reach “Legendary” status through Tournament Rings. These will be located at Points of Interest (Official NBA Arenas).
Court locations where players compete against each other on 1⁄2 court 1 on 1 style play. Ruler of the Court mini-game will be available to dominate the location and earn rewards. These will be located at Points of Interest (Existing Basketball courts).
Player Point locations where NBA players can be found. Play them in drills to earn shards of that player. Players can be encountered all around the world.
Designated locations where players can obtain consumables and other game items, no players & no XP. These will be located at Points of Interest
(i.e.: Convenience and clothing stores).
Drop Zone items - Energy & Power Ups,
Game Currency, and XP Wildcards,... etc.
The three-level visual system indicates the rarity of a player, supported by unique visuals that allow users to determine a player on the map's rarity level at a glance.
Drop Zone UX Motion Flow
POI Sizing Comparison
Player Point Sketches
Sponsorship Branding Drop Zone
Drop Zone Sketches